Tag ~satellite constellation

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NASA and Planet expand imagery partnership to all NASAfunded Earth science research

Astrix Astronautics Fia Jones on wooing Peter Beck to launch her startup

Astranis raises 250M at a 14B valuation for smaller cheaper geostationary communications satellites

Regher Solar is ready to meet the new space industrys demand for cheaper better solar panels

Satellite radar startup ICEYE raises 87 million to continue to grow its operational constellation

Lynk demos global satellite connection for ordinary phones and prepares for commercial launch

Burloak and MDA Space: 8 Years of Transforming Aerospace with Metal 3D Printing

Amazons Project Kuiper will seek multiple launch providers to carry its satellites to space

Kepler to launch two batches of nanosatellites aboard SpaceXs Falcon 9

Kymeta raises 852 million led by Bill Gates to speed growth of its satellitecellular antenna tech

Is space truly within reach for startups and VC

Indian Space Tech Startup GalaxEye Raises Seed Funding

Slingshot Aerospace raises 8 million to help it expand to new verticals beyond aerospace and defense

Lynk may beat Starlink and Apple to the punch as FCC approves its spacebased texting